La région lacustre de l’Ontario

Le comté de Simcoe est heureux de présenter les trajets de cyclisme suivants qui parcourent la région lacustre de l’Ontario. Des itinéraires plats et axés sur le cyclisme en famille jusqu’à un trajet montagneux difficile de 92 km, nous offrons un choix incomparable!

La région lacustre de l’Ontario se trouve à seulement une heure au nord de Toronto et représente une des régions les plus pittoresques de l’Ontario remplie de lacs, de collines, d’eau claire et de voies navigables fascinantes. Cette région compte d’importants centres de villégiature ontariens offrant des expériences de loisir et d’évasion de haute qualité à longueur d’année. L’hôtel et centre de divertissement Casino Rama de classe mondiale est à une courte distance d’une ville charmante où les visiteurs peuvent découvrir fascinantes petites boutiques, assister à une pièce de théâtre, savourer un somptueux repas et explorer des sites historiques. Regroupant cinq districts, Orillia, Oro-Medonte, Rama, Ramara et Severn, la région lacustre de l’Ontario est une destination touristique toutes saisons paradisiaque.

Découvrez la région lacustre de l’Ontario où vous trouverez quelque chose pour tous les goûts, que ce soit des aventures ou des activités de plein air, des sites historiques, la pêche, la randonnée pédestre, les festivals et concerts, les arts et la culture, les sports d’hiver, le golf, le séjour à un centre de villégiature, le jeu, les compétitions sportives, le tourisme agricole ou écologique et bien plus.

Assouvissez votre sens de l’aventure, créez de merveilleux souvenirs en famille ou venez simplement vous détendre et vous ressourcer. Peu importe qu’il s’agisse d’un court forfait évasion, d’une vacance en famille, d’une retraite pour le weekend, d’une sortie romantique ou d’une randonnée pour la journée, vous serez ravi par la région lacustre de l’Ontario.

Pour de l’information touristique, visitez : Si vous préférez commander une carte imprimée de nos routes de cyclisme, remplissez le formulaire de contact en indiquant votre adresse postale et nous vous la ferons parvenir directement.

Canopy Cruising

Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
Length: 26 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

This fun and scenic route is great for cyclists of all abilities. Enjoy one of the most scenic routes in the entire County! Riders start on the tree canopied Bass Lake Side Road and are faced with a couple challenging climbs, such as the first right turn on to the 8th Line and rolling terrain on the 4th Line heading back towards Horseshoe. The Canopy Cruising route is perfect for cyclists looking for challenging climbs with beautiful scenery along the way.


Bass Lake Beauty

Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 34 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

Starting on Bass Lake Side Road and continuing on the 8th Line, it’s no surprise where the name “Canopy Cruising” came from. Taking you through the canopied section of Bass Lake Sideroad, enjoy the scenic, windy roads and test yourself with the 5k grind up the 2nd Line on this tour of central Oro-Medonte!

Hills of Oro-Medonte

Difficulty: Advanced
Length: 92 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

This tour through Oro-Medonte is both challenging and beautiful. This route begins on the quiet Bass Lake Sideroad, but don’t get comfortable, because once you turn left on the 7th line the hills begin. Riders can test themselves against some of our largest and longest climbs, including the Eady Stairs! For a rest, stop in the town of Moonstone for a quick snack before descending Moonstone Road, towards the 10th Line. Hills of Oro-Medonte is designed for recreational and avid cyclists looking to test their abilities, with challenging hills and long descents throughout the entire route.

Canopy Cruising

Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
Length: 26 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

This fun and scenic route is great for cyclists of all abilities. Enjoy one of the most scenic routes in the entire County! Riders start on the tree canopied Bass Lake Side Road and are faced with a couple challenging climbs, such as the first right turn on to the 8th Line and rolling terrain on the 4th Line heading back towards Horseshoe. The Canopy Cruising route is perfect for cyclists looking for challenging climbs with beautiful scenery along the way.


Bass Lake Beauty

Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 34 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

Starting on Bass Lake Side Road and continuing on the 8th Line, it’s no surprise where the name “Canopy Cruising” came from. Taking you through the canopied section of Bass Lake Sideroad, enjoy the scenic, windy roads and test yourself with the 5k grind up the 2nd Line on this tour of central Oro-Medonte!

Hills of Oro-Medonte

Difficulty: Advanced
Length: 92 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

This tour through Oro-Medonte is both challenging and beautiful. This route begins on the quiet Bass Lake Sideroad, but don’t get comfortable, because once you turn left on the 7th line the hills begin. Riders can test themselves against some of our largest and longest climbs, including the Eady Stairs! For a rest, stop in the town of Moonstone for a quick snack before descending Moonstone Road, towards the 10th Line. Hills of Oro-Medonte is designed for recreational and avid cyclists looking to test their abilities, with challenging hills and long descents throughout the entire route.

Canopy Cruising

Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
Length: 26 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

This fun and scenic route is great for cyclists of all abilities. Enjoy one of the most scenic routes in the entire County! Riders start on the tree canopied Bass Lake Side Road and are faced with a couple challenging climbs, such as the first right turn on to the 8th Line and rolling terrain on the 4th Line heading back towards Horseshoe. The Canopy Cruising route is perfect for cyclists looking for challenging climbs with beautiful scenery along the way.


Bass Lake Beauty

Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 34 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

Starting on Bass Lake Side Road and continuing on the 8th Line, it’s no surprise where the name “Canopy Cruising” came from. Taking you through the canopied section of Bass Lake Sideroad, enjoy the scenic, windy roads and test yourself with the 5k grind up the 2nd Line on this tour of central Oro-Medonte!

Hills of Oro-Medonte

Difficulty: Advanced
Length: 92 km
Start: 4th Line and Bass Lake Sideroad

This tour through Oro-Medonte is both challenging and beautiful. This route begins on the quiet Bass Lake Sideroad, but don’t get comfortable, because once you turn left on the 7th line the hills begin. Riders can test themselves against some of our largest and longest climbs, including the Eady Stairs! For a rest, stop in the town of Moonstone for a quick snack before descending Moonstone Road, towards the 10th Line. Hills of Oro-Medonte is designed for recreational and avid cyclists looking to test their abilities, with challenging hills and long descents throughout the entire route.